Your Fresh Start in #MomLife
Find your tribe and your cheerleaders as you go through life's milestones. Groups will have access to monthly speakers, relevant resources, therapy/coaching and more!
Currently accepting new members for the following groups!
new moms 2020
post partum support 2020
mommies of premies 2020/ 2021
expecting moms winter 2020/ 2021
coping with loss
rainbow babies 2020, 2021
stay at home mamas
working mamas
parenting in COVID19
mamas with littles
Contact us to setup a free consultation and group match. We are currently accepting new members to groups.
New life in a pandemic goes on.
a virtual community/ tribe/ wolfpack is what the Dr. (Alexa) ordered.
We want to be your one-stop-shop for resources and support. Our therapists and speciality coaches are here to support you every step of the way. Include the support group with other parents in the same season as you, you are also privy to our virtual events! Examples of topics we cover include:
New Mommy (To Be) Topics: Doula 101, Birth Plans 101, COVID Safe Baby Shower Event Planning, Dietician Education, Nesting Tips, Baby Product Reviews
New Baby Topics: Breast Feeding, Bottle Feeding, Pumping, Post Partum Physical & Emotional Changes, Sleep Schedules, Feeding Schedules, Spouse/ Partner Support, Visitation Boundaries, Baby Safety
We want to hear from you, mama!
Oh, Here is some light reading while you’re here…
home birth vs hospital birth in COVID
Benefits of a home birth vs a hospital birth in the world of COVID
new mom in a new normal
One of our life coach’s experience of what it’s like to navigate motherhood in a pandemic.